Integrity Treadmill
The Integrity Series treadmill is the evolution of the trusted Life Fitness workhorse. Craft an engaging cardio experience with easy access to entertainment and fitness apps, or allow for intuitive get-on-and-go functionality. Walkers and runners both benefit from the comfort provided by FlexDeck technology, a running surface that reduces stress on the joints. Wireless internet connection allows facilities to monitor valuable asset data and make easy console software updates. Integrity treadmills are ideal for facilities looking for an inviting modern design with enough options to appeal to their exercisers.
Şok Emilimi Life Fitness Flex Deste
Adını indikçe esneyen 3/4 inç cilalı, ahşap güverteden alan Life Fitness Flex Deck , güvertenin altında darbeyi emen ve eklemler üzerindeki baskıyı azaltan benzersiz Tec Pack'lere sahiptir. Bu, yürürken veya koşarken tüm güverteye rahat bir his verir ve genel konfor, yaralanma önleme ve koşu verimliliğinin artmasına neden olur.
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