IC7 Indoor Cycle
The award-winning IC7 Indoor Cycle combines a new sleek design, a two-stage drivetrain and an engaging digital experience. An extremely accurate WattRate Direct Power Meter, Coach By Color intensity guide for user and instructor, and precise 300-degree magnetic resistance make the IC7 a one-of-a-kind indoor cycle.
The WattRate® TFT Computer 2.0 was redesigned and reengineered for IC6, IC7 and IC8 Indoor Cycles. It is a robust computer that features intuitive exerciser navigation and high-speed connection. The computer has a bright, self-powered, fully integrated TFT screen and a front LED display, which simultaneously displays individual training intensity for the user and the trainer.
Experimente o Ciclo Indoor IC7
Integração Myzone
Os praticantes de exercício podem ligar o seu monitor de frequência cardíaca Myzone através de Bluetooth (R) ou ANT+ e introduzir a sua frequência cardíaca máxima para ver a sua zona de cor Myzone em tempo real durante todo o treino.
Mais Equipamento Cardio
Primeiro passo
Especifique e selecione a sua necessidade abaixo.
Segunda etapa
Preencha o formulário com as informações necessárias.