Rack Studio per ciclismo indoor
A sleek and easily maintained storage system that helps to keep all of your weights and storage space clean and organized.
The uniquely designed storage systems match the colors of the ICG® Indoor Cycles, creating a polished and organized studio environment that allows the class to concentrate on the workout, motivating users to come back for more. The Cycle Studio Rack stores 2.5 - 10LB dumbbells with accessibility to the desired weight. Exercisers can easily select the desired weight for their fitness levels and goals.
Formazione all’avanguardia
Eccezionali prodotti standardizzati per l’educazione al fitness, tra cui apprendimento dal vivo, basato sul web e on-demand.
Trasformazioni delle strutture
Scopri come Life Fitness trasforma le strutture per creare esperienze memorabili per i tuoi utenti.