6 Reasons Why Group Exercise Is A Great Start To Your Fitness Journey
Beginning a fitness routine to get healthy can be a daunting task. If you're not a regular at the gym, heading to the health club for the first time can be intimidating. But consider introducing yourself to fitness through a group exercise session or two. Classes offer the instruction, motivation and camaraderie that you may need to get started. Here are few reasons why joining a group session may be right for you.
You get professional fitness instruction.
Certified personal trainers can provide great guidance on form, workout intensity and goal setting. They can help you become acquainted with the exercise options that are best for you and hep ensure that you get results from all of your hard work. And, if you find a trainer you like during group exercise, consider asking them if they're available for one-on-one instruction. Learning from a professional is a great way to get started with fitness.
There's motivation in a group.
Teamwork and camaraderie are big reasons why group exercise is extremely popular. Encouragement comes in the form of a group instructor asking for one more push up, or trying to match what others in the class are doing. The feeling that "we're all in this together" is a powerful driving force and you might be surprised by just how much it motivates you. And if you're competitive, trying to keep up with some of the fittest in the class should help you amp up the intensity.
You gain inspiration from others.
If you're new to fitness you may need a goal to shoot for. Look around at others who excel in your session and realize that many of them were at the same point you are. Know that if you stick with your routine you can reach their fitness level. The people in your group exercise class all have different stories, take the time to learn them.
Scheduled workouts keep you on the fitness path.
Finding random time to go to the gym isn't always easy, but when it's on your schedule in advance it's more likely to become routine. You can plan time around your weekly or daily group sessions and make your workouts more convenient. Being a workout regular is much easier when convenience is considered.
It's a chance to meet new people.
Going to the gym regularly is easier when you have a workout partner, and group training is a great way to meet people who have similar fitness goals. Any fitness facility is a more welcoming place when you have friends there, and it doesn't take long to get to know the regulars in a group exercise classes.
Group exercise is fun.
Let's not forget this important aspect. When done right a group training session should be an invigorating experience complete with an energetic instructor and a lively environment. When it's at its best, the group exercise experience takes your mind off of the fact that you're burning calories and working up a sweat.
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