Indoor Cycling Striving for excellence. Striving together, Unlike any other.
Being passionate about indoor cycling, the Indoor Cycling Group (ICG®) has become the world's largest corporation specialized in designing, manufacturing and programming of indoor cycling equipment.
Award Winning Equipment ICG Indoor Cycles
Inspired by the demands of customers around the world, the ICG product family was developed. The ICG bikes stand for high-quality technology, leading innovation and modern design. Absolute precise power measurement via the WattRate® sensor system (deviation +/- 1%) as well as the Coach By Color® function make training sessions on the ICG Indoor Cycles effective and motivating.
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Making An Impact An Enhanced Experience
Indoor cycling “Powered by ICG” is an experience unlike any other! Our six different models of bikes stand for high-quality technology, leading innovations and cutting edge design. The digital ecosystem combines engaging technology with numerous motivational functions for more entertainment in both group cycling classes and on the cardio floor.
Striving For Excellence Together A Strong Community
Team ICG has globally motivated, mentored and measured positive change in the lives and rides of the fitness and sporting community. Together as a group – owners, instructors, riders and anyone passionate about cycling – we continue to strive and to advance.
Team ICG is woven into our jerseys and our attitudes. It’s our brand, our intent and our community.
Pushing The Limits A Winning Team
ICG’s performance reflects the focus, determination and passion that embodies the company. For the last 25 years, ICG has been reaping the benefits of a culture that consistently pushes the envelope and creates a better riding experience year after year. Various awards and accolades prove Europe’s number one supplier as a global innovator and design specialist.
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